Right, so this week we had a mission conference which was super great!! Wow, I think I had never heard a talk so good like the one Presidente Stasevskas gave. He spoke about the Atonement and how it perfectly overcomes the barriers that we faced in the pre-mortal life and because of the Fall, so that we can one day receive all of the blessings that God wants for us (to be with him, to learn/progress, to live forever, and to have our families). It was great!
We also started teaching a friend of Lília, Jacqueline. She is AMAZING. We all felt the Spirit so strongly when we taught her the Restoration. She was crying throughout the whole lesson. And we we asked her afterwards if she had prayed about our message, she said that she did, but she already KNEW that it was true before she prayed. Annnnnd when we gave her the Book of Mormon, she got so excited! She had always asked herself why Jesus had only visited in Jerusalem and not in the other parts of the world. And why there weren't other witnesses of Him. We left her with 3 Nephi 11 to read and a pamphlet of the Plan of Salvation, since she had some questions. The next day she called us, soooo excited, because she now knows that she lived with God, why she is here on the earth, and what will happen afterwards. #ELEITA
I am honestly overflowing with happiness right now because of her. Even if some other things didn't go so well, just teaching Jacqueline made the week perfect! God really does prepare His children.
And sidenote--Lília invited her because she loves her friend. She didn't know that Jacqueline would embrace the gospel with open arms, since she already had a church--you never know who in your lifes God is preparing! But you have to do your part and invite all to come unto Christ! If your feeling a little timid, pray and ask our Heavenly Father who He wants you to invite. I promise that there are people that you know that need to hear about the gospel in this moment!
Love you all bunches!
Sister Dickerson
Here in the pics I have lots of my past companions-S. Lima, Barth, Dustin, Packard, Colussi... quase the the whole gang.
Here's some pics from an activity we had yesterday--we set up some tables with lots of materials about the Church and invited everyone in the praça to come and find out more! It was pretty neat!
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