"There is sunshine in my soul today!"

"There is sunshine in my soul today!"

Happy New Year!

I don't know why it is always so difficult to remember what happened during the week...

Well, firstly, it's 2016!! Sister Almeida is used to partying every new year, so she was feeling pretty down at the prospects of staying home doing nothing... but we bought some ice cream and watched fireworks at midnight from our window (it was impossible to sleep anyway haha).

This week was full of miracles! Samuel came to be confirmed (whoo-hoo!!), and we found lots of new people to teach. :) I'd like to tell you all about one of those people--an older woman, Evilma. We had actually talked to her my first week here in Santarém, and I had a really good feeling about her. But every time we passed by, she wasn't home or was too busy to talk to us. I was starting to feel that we were wasting our time passing by and that she didn't want to hear from us... but Tuesday night we were contacting people on the same street, and we noticed that the lights were on at her house, so we decided to stop by. To our surprise, she called us in immediately. She looked very beat up. Turns out on Christmas day she had been in a car accident, and her mother-in-law had passed away. We then had the sweet experience of listening to her problems, feelings, and grief and afterwards sharing the Plan of Salvation. As we left, she had a smile on her face again. :) It was a very special experience for me.

Also... our bishop authorized us to baptize someone in the river. So I'm super excited. We are trying to convince Marcos to be baptized there... we'll see how it goes.

Love you all so much! Have a marvelous week!!

Sister Dickerson

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