I've started thinking a bit more about why the Lord has left me so long in this area, without having much success, and with so many obstacles. I already knew that He wanted me to become more patient (I'm working on that still...) and have more charity, but I kept thinking that there had to be another reason. Perhaps it was that I need to help strengthen the ward here? The members? I think we have helped a bit, but there is still a long way to go... As I was reflecting on these things, we were walking with Darlene to her uncle's house that she wanted us to meet. We clapped our hands several times there and called her uncle's name various times before someone finally opened the door. When he opened and saw Darlene, his face split into a huge smile and he welcomed us in. He (Joaquim), and his wife, Luciene, received us very well and they, along with five of their EIGHT children, listened gladly to the message of the restoration. Wow! It was amazing! In the end, they all said that it is their dream to be baptized as Jesus was, that they are all very excited to go to church with us, and that they wanted us to come back as soon as possible. WHAAAT??? This generally doesn't happen folks. It was such a tender experience for me to see the Lord touching my life, giving lots of little miracles to remember that this is HIS work, HE knows what He's doing, and I have the privilege to be His instrument in this work.
I'd be all right with staying another transfer here to see the baptism of this family. Com certeza. Eight months wouldn't be that much, right?
Love you all so much!
Sister Dickerson
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