"There is sunshine in my soul today!"

"There is sunshine in my soul today!"


I still can't believe it!!! We are getting a temple here in Belém!! To be perfectly honest, I didn't hear the prophet give the big announcement because we arrived late, bringing an investigator, Manuel, to watch. But when Elder Cook started to give his talk and mentioned that Belém would be getting a temple, I turned to Sister Custódio and whispered in unbelief, "There's going to be a temple in Belém?" She just nodded silently with wide eyes. And just like that, I started to cry. As always. You all honestly have no idea how exciting this is!!! The members here travel for DAYS to get to the temple. Here in Santarém, they travel two days via boat to the Manaus temple, and in Belém it's three days by bus to the Recife temple. They make so many sacrifices to receive the blessings of the temple. After I found out, I began thinking about our investigators, the less atives, and recent converts who have yet to be sealed in their families. Just imagine the joy that this temple will bring!! So many more families will be able to be together for eternity!! So much more work will be able to be done by the members here for their ancestors! This really is a miracle! It is an answer to years of prayer and diligent effort on behalf of the members and missionaries here. I felt so privileged to be here during this conference. 

Time is super short this week! But I loved all of conference; there were talks written just for me and just for our investigators. I honestly saw miracles this week. Remember that talk on Saturday that was entirely about forgiveness? Diana was there in that session, and forgiveness is the one thing that is holding her back from being baptized. He described perfectly all of the feelings she told us she was having, and gave the perfect suggestion of how to overcome them. That was just one of the talks that I love. :) Let's all try to apply this things we learned in conference this week!

Love you all so much! I pray for all of you! Fiquem firme e forte!
Sister Dickerson

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