"There is sunshine in my soul today!"

"There is sunshine in my soul today!"

We Met Brother Holmes! 6/13/16

Right, so on Wednesday, we had a pretty neat meeting with the second counselor in the the YM's Presidency, Brother Holmes, and his wife, Sister Holmes. It was super great! They spoke in English, which was weird... having a translator and everything... and they spoke about the importance of "being born again," or being converted. It is a lifelong process, and the principle purpose of our lives. Specifically, they taught about how our purpose, as missionaries, is to help people be born again, having faith in Christ, repenting, being baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (which is the MOST IMPORTANT gift we can receive in the life), and enduring to the end. It was great!
Also, just to quickly sum up the events of this week, we had six people come to church, which was wonderful! The Lord truly answered our prayers. Lília came with her husband and 19-yr-old daughter, and they all LOVED it. They said that they'll be coming back. Lília was already trying to learn everyone's names in Relief Society, since she said she's been looking for a church para frequentar mesmo. I felt super blessed! Our worry is that they might not actually live in our area, since they live on the boundaries... but if not, the elders will be super happy as well. And it turns out that they aren't actually married, but hey, that's no problem. We love marrying people.
That's about it for this week folks, but keep praying for Gabriel and Maria das Graças to be baptized this week! I know that they are super close!
Sister Dickerson